Photos of the current snow situation. Also, today we picked our first fukinoto for the year, and had our first tara-no-me tempura for lunch (grown in our neighbor’s greenhouse) Its amazing how much more quickly the snow is melting compared to last year. I have customers coming in five days. Originally I had suggested that …
Monthly Archives: March 2013
Bad Timing
So I am on day 4 of Shawn T Insanity workout now. I figure I gotta be able to at least keep up with my customers at the end of this month without being out of breath. I think it will work well for that. But it really makes me sad that I consider this …
This is how we take care of snow
DSC 7179 from Kevin Cameron on Vimeo. DSC 7110 from Kevin Cameron on Vimeo. For anyone interested in bulldozers and what not. This is how we take care of snow here. This dozer starts off in the field next to our house, where they blow the snow from the road in February, so that area …
Mona aint git much schoolin’
So recently Mona is not getting as much schooling as she is supposed to (I guess). Between skiing and hanging out with us, there probably is not much book smart learning going on. DSC 6648 from Kevin Cameron on Vimeo. DSC 6639 from Kevin Cameron on Vimeo. Today was the third super clear warm day …
Winter Festival
Spent the morning and most of afternoon at the schools winter festival – the winter version of summer’s “undoukai”. It was held at the ski hill, and the activities were designed for one parent to participate with child, and since Tomoe was along, I took the opportunity to ski, so missed most of the photo …
Mona’s School Show & Other Videos for Mom
DSC 6079 from Kevin Cameron on Vimeo. Mona comes home from school. This day Tomoe joined me to pick up Mona at the bus stop, so I was able to “document” the whole thing. The older girl who is waving at the departing bus at the end is a neighbor. When Tomoe’s niece lived here …
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