
I feel like I can finally say that Spring is here. Today was amazing – aside from knowing that I *should* have been sitting diligently behind the computer doing grown-up work, I was out much of the day enjoying the first real non-wintery day in over five months. As you can see the cherry blossoms …

Daily Mona

Mona takes a break while gathering sugina, the the green sterile stems of horsetail. Most of the fertile horsetail that she was gathering earlier in the month has already shed its pollen to the breeze, and don’t make such a nice snack anymore. The green stems are not so tasty, but supposed to be rich …

First day in the field – Preserved daikon

We spent our first real time this year out in the back garden doing something other than shoveling. Well, at least Tomoe was doing something other than shoveling. She spent a few hours digging out a pile of daikon from where we had buried them five months ago. The dirt and snow cover kept it …